Glazing Agents

Additive suitable for all types of frozen products

Our range of glazing agents is the ideal solution to improve the quality of finished products that require a more transparent, shiny and less broken appearance for commercial purposes.

The Glass range provides a physical barrier that protects food from environmental degradation, while giving a clean and transparent texture. This product is suitable for all types of fish and in any of its cutting presentations, offering high protection and natural shine.


Improves the quality of glazed products giving them a shiny and transparent appearance.

Creates a protective film after freezing, which enhances the product’s natural shine.

Preserves the organoleptic and hygienic-sanitary qualities.

Prevents the formation of stratifications or decantations in the deposits of the product.

Prevents the influence of any external bacteriological, physical-chemical and/or environmental type agent.

Prevents oxidation of the surface layer of the food, maintaining its attractive appearance and nutritional qualities.

Prevents the possible weight loss that occurs with the dehydration of the food.


Additives suitable for all types of fishing products and cut presentations.

Additives used in immersion treatments, adding them to the water in the glazer.

It forms a uniform protective barrier across the entire surface. An important advantage during storage in cold rooms.

Non-toxic, no protection is needed for handling.

Excellent results where a homogeneous and sufficiently elastic treatment is required to achieve good permeation.

Formulations adjusted to the laws of the various countries where applicable.

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PH7 range of additives

Classified by Fishery Products

Various (frozen)
Various (frozen)


Intermediate range


Intermediate range


Premium range


Premium range


Premium range (no additives)