Brine Injection Fish

Special product for Fish

The injection system is increasingly used in the fish sector to obtain better quality, added-value products. The great advantage of this system is that with a very small dose, it ensures homogeneous, profound brine distribution, increasing yield while fully respecting the morphology and muscle texture of the catch.

We offers mixtures of ingredients that easily penetrate into protein, increasing the yield with total respect to muscle morphology and texture and avoiding further losses in the seafood processing. In order to achieve a better conservation and highlight the flavors of fish. Making a more tasty and stable product after its cooking.


Greater yield and hydration of the injected parts

Improves the texture and appearance of the product.

Delays oxidation processes.

Prolongs the shelf life of the treated raw material.

Maintains the natural colour for longer.

Greater optimisation in the injection process.

Prevents weight loss during the freezing, storage, thawing and cooking processes.

Greater retention capacity.


Additives used in injection treatments.

Wide range of brines designed to specifically treat different fish fillets, slices and loins.

We also offer phosphate-free solutions.

They act on fish protein facilitating osmosis.

Formulations adjusted to the laws of the various countries where applicable.

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PH7 range of additives

Classified by Fishery Products

Cod, hake, pink, salmon, tuna
 Cod, hake, pink, salmon, tuna

Sulphite free


Based on antioxidants



Cod and tuna
Cod and tuna (for markets where it is permitted)

Contain sulphites


Based on phosphates